Getting Started with
IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback

Are you beginning MCN sessions with us? This will help you with what to expect.

Every client session and response is different. These tips will support your journey!

IMPORTANT: Please make sure you submit the two (2) intake and waiver forms prior to your appointment!
You cannot receive treatment without these documents finished.

  • To begin, most clients will have 1 to 3 treatments per week dependent on the level of seriousness or acuity of the condition.

    The total number of treatments will vary from client to client, but a common range is a series of 12 to 20 treatments. Recommendations for more sessions are common with longer-standing conditions.

    Each client’s experience and treatment needs are different. Over 85% of patients will notice changes between sessions 1 and 3, yet others may require more treatments before they notice any changes at all. Often friends and family may notice changes before the patient becomes aware of them.

    Once symptoms improve and treatments last longer, we will increase the time between sessions until these changes become enduringly sustainable and routine treatment is no longer needed.

    Initial Treatment

    When you arrive, you will be greeted and welcomes into our peaceful shared waiting room.

    We’ll then bring you into our quiet treatment room where you will sit in a comfortable chair. We then prep the areas of your head and neck where EEG electrodes will be placed. We will guide you through the process at the start so you can better understand the flow of your sessions.

    During this time, we will also ask a series of questions to assess for any changes experienced and/or sustained between treatments. This feedback allows us to properly evaluate and make any necessary protocol adjustments before we begin.

    Dependent on the client, their condition, the acuity of that condition, and how they are responding to treatment, adjustments may be made to protocol settings and sensitivity levels throughout the treatment series.

    What to Expect

    Unlike traditional neurofeedback, MCN does not require the patient to actively participate. This means you can come to your session ready to close your eyes and unwind to our playlist of relaxing music.

    During treatment, the EEG electrodes will be moved around. These locations may vary through subsequent treatment sessions.

    Despite what many think, there is absolutely no zapping, shocking, or electrocuting involved. In fact, you won’t feel anything during treatment!

    Treatment Duration

    The MCN treatment itself is often 10 to 15 minutes. However, from prep to finish, clients should plan for a 30 minute appointment. We do our best to adhere to a schedule and ask that you arrive on time for your appointments.

    Post-Treatment Response

    Please remember that MCN is a healing process and patience is required. Allow yourself permission to welcome and accept even the smallest of changes. It all helps!

    Try keeping notes at home or having a dedicated journal during the treatment series to observe the subtle (and not so subtle) shifts you may experience.

    As you notice possible mind or body shifts, we will talk about them in your following sessions to support.

    Temporary Reactivity

    Temporary reactivity of the nervous system can occur in the first 24 to 48 hours following treatment.

    This does not occur with all clients, and oftentimes is not experienced at all.

    Reactivity includes feelings of fatigue, spaciness, anxiousness, being wired, headaches, or potential (temporary) increases in condition/symptom.

    Experiencing reactivity can be uncomfortable and discouraging, however, it is completely normal and will pass. It is not permanent and will not persist.

    It’s important to understand that reactivity is actually a positive sign that your brain and nervous system are beginning to respond. This is known as neuroregulation.

    This is the brain demonstrating that “something good is happening” and that every subset of a reaction is a positive response!

    If in the rare occurance you do experience any unpleasant feelings between treatments, we are available to discuss options with you as well as run a brief gentle treatment to calm the nervous system and help bring about homeostasis.

  • New Mind Neuro recommends you consult with your healthcare practitioner if you are unsure if IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback is right for you.

    For optimal satisfaction and results, IASIS MCN should be used in conjunction with appropriate lifestyle choices and changes as recommended by your IASIS provider and or healthcare practitioner.

    Individual results may vary.

    Per the IASIS Technologies’ Disclaimer:

    IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback (MCN) and this website does not contain medical advice. IASIS Neurofeedback, rather, the IASIS MCN device is indicated for relaxation training and muscle reeducation and prescription use consistent with 21 C.F.R. section 882.5050.

    A biofeedback device is an instrument that provides a visual or auditory signal corresponding to the status of one or more of a patient’s physiological parameters (e.g., brain alpha wave activity, muscle activity, skin temperature, etc.) so that the patient can control voluntarily these physiological parameters; and a prescription battery powered device that is indicated for relaxation training and muscle reeducation and prescription use.

    The information, including but not limited to text, videos, images, and other material contained on this website is for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge about IASIS Neurofeedback.

    It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you believe you have a medical condition, please first, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

    Never self-medicate or choose to discontinue taking medicine without discussing your medical care with your doctor.

  • To support optimal EEG impedance and treatment response, please follow the below guidance:

    • Avoid consuming caffeine prior to your treatment session

    • Shampoo hair the night before or day of and avoid using hair products if possible

    • About 1-1.5 hours prior to your treatment session it’s important to eat a healthy snack or meal; avoid coming to your session on an empty stomach! Proteins, whole fats, fruits and vegetables all make great options; avoid eating processed, refined foods, and those that are high in sugars.

    • If you drink alcohol or use marijuana, it is recommended that patients do not drink or medicate the same day of treatment.

    Remember to hydrate!

    According to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, just 2% dehydration takes a toll on our brain function.

    Lack of proper hydration, especially before and after receiving treatment, can increase the risk of:

    • Negative changes to focus and attention

    • Negative changes to mood and irritability

    • Headaches or migraines

    For the full duration of your treatment series it is recommended to consume at minimum 2.5 liters of water each day. This is especially important on the day of treatment!

    Proper hydration is a key component to brain wellness and sustained treatment results.

    We can offer further nutrition and diet guidance for during or after your treatment series upon request. We want you to have the best possible outcome and all of these areas matter!

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